
JourneyMap provides more than a few configuration options, allowing yous to customize the behaviour and appearance of many unlike aspects of the mod. All of these settings are made bachelor through the settings director.

Settings manager

To get to the settings director, open the total-screen map and click the settings push at the bottom, or press the O cardinal. Each entry in the listing represents a specific category of settings - click on it to expand and run across the settings within.


Each category has a Reset button. Delight note that pressing this button will reset the settings in that category to the default settings bundled with JourneyMap, instead of simply discarding your changes.

Some of these categories have quite a few settings. Feel costless to skip to a specific category past clicking on one of the links below.

  • Grid Settings
  • Minimap Settings
  • Full-Screen Map Settings
  • Webmap Settings
  • Waypoint Settings
  • Waypoint Beacon Settings
  • Cartography Settings
  • Advanced Settings

Grid Settings¶

Both minimap presets and the total-screen map may take a configurable grid overlay. You tin customize this overlay by clicking on the Edit Filigree… button below the settings in each corresponding category.

You tin too accomplish this from the full-screen map by property the Shift key and clicking on the grid button at the top.

Minimap settings

The grid outlines individual chunks on the map. Grid styles that include region lines will draw an actress grid with differently-coloured lines to outline world regions on the map.

  • Select a colour for the filigree lines past clicking on the colour wheel.
  • Select the map type (twenty-four hours, night or caves) to edit on the left side.
  • Click the Reset push to reset the current map type to the default grid settings.
  • Click the Cancel button to discard your changes and close the grid editor.
  • Click the Salvage button to save your changes and close the grid editor.
Setting Options Description
  • Squares
  • SquaresWithRegion
  • GridRegion
  • Dots
  • Checkers
Change the type of filigree overlaid on the map
Opacity Percentage: (default: fifty) How opaque the grid should be drawn

Minimap Settings¶

JourneyMap allows you to have two minimap presets. Each preset represents a divide set of settings - essentially allowing y'all to accept two distinct minimaps bachelor to switch between.


The settings for each minimap are identical, so we'll only cover a single preset below.

To switch between minimap presets, press the switch minimap preset key (the # key past default).

Minimap settings


By default, all of the following toggle settings are enabled.

Toggle Description
Enable Minimap Enable or disable this minimap preset
Prove Animals Testify or hide animals
Evidence Caves Toggle automatically switching to cave mode
Show Compass Toggle showing compass points around the edge of the minimap
Show Mean solar day/Night Toggle automatically switching between day and night manner
Show Entity Names Show or hibernate entity names
Show Grid Bear witness or hide the grid overlay
Testify Mob Headings Toggle showing which way mobs are facing
Testify Mobs Show or hide mobs
Show Pets Prove or hide pets
Show Actor Headings Toggle showing which way other players are facing
Show Players Show or hibernate other players
Prove Reticle Show or hide midpoint lines pointing to the center of the minimap
Testify Cocky Show or hide your own location and heading
Show Villagers Testify or hibernate villagers
Show Waypoint Labels Show or hide the names of waypoints
Show Waypoints Testify or hide all waypoints
Verbose Location Toggle betwixt a long or curt grade of your electric current coordinates

Info Slots¶

Info slots are text areas above and below the minimap that show extra contextual information. There are iv of them, numbered from top to lesser.

Minimap info slots

All info slots tin can be gear up to 1 of the following:

  • Blank: Nothing, hide this info slot
  • Biome: The biome yous're currently in
  • Dimension: The dimension you're currently in
  • FPS: The game's FPS counter
  • Game Time: The current ingame fourth dimension, as represented by Minecraft's daylight cycle
  • Game Time Real: The current ingame fourth dimension, shifted to match a real clock
  • Light Level: The light level of the block yous're standing in
  • Location: Your current coordinates
  • Region: Your current region coordinates
  • System Fourth dimension: The current existent time, according to your reckoner

Other Settings¶

The default option for each setting below is marked with assuming text.

Setting Options Description
  • 10, z, y (v)
  • x, y (v), z
  • 10, z, y
  • x, y, z
  • x, z
The format of your coordinates, as shown in an info slot
Map Heading
  • N
  • Old North
  • My Heading
Which direction the summit of the map should face - Note: only circle maps support the "My Heading" setting
Mob Brandish
  • Small Dots
  • Large Dots
  • Minor Icons
  • Big Icons
How mobs should be displayed on the minimap
Player Brandish
  • Pocket-size Dots
  • Large Dots
  • Small Icons
  • Big Icons
How other players should be displayed on the minimap
  • Height Right
  • Lesser Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Height Left
  • Top Middle
  • Centre
The location of the minimap on your screen
Real Game Time Format
  • HH:mm:ss
  • H:mm:ss
  • HH:mm
  • H:mm
  • hh:mm:ss a
  • h:mm:ss a
  • hh:mm:ss
  • h:mm:ss
  • h:mm a
  • h:mm a
  • hh:mm
  • h:mm

The text format of the real game time, every bit shown in an info slot

  • H: Hours (24-60 minutes, without leading 0)
  • HH: Hours (24-60 minutes, with leading 0)
  • h: Hours (12-hour, without leading 0)
  • hh: Hours (12-hour, with leading 0)
  • mm: Minutes
  • ss: Seconds
  • a: Time of mean solar day (AM/PM)
Reticle Heading
  • Compass
  • My Heading
Change the orientation of the reticle
  • Circle
  • Foursquare
  • Rectangle
Change the shape of the minimap
Arrangement Time Format
  • HH:mm:ss
  • H:mm:ss
  • HH:mm
  • H:mm
  • hh:mm:ss a
  • h:mm:ss a
  • hh:mm:ss
  • h:mm:ss
  • h:mm a
  • h:mm a
  • hh:mm
  • h:mm

The text format of the system time, equally shown in an info slot

  • H: Hours (24-hour, without leading 0)
  • HH: Hours (24-60 minutes, with leading 0)
  • h: Hours (12-hour, without leading 0)
  • hh: Hours (12-hr, with leading 0)
  • mm: Minutes
  • ss: Seconds
  • a: Time of twenty-four hour period (AM/PM)
Compass Font Calibration Range: i - 4 How big the compass text should be relative to the GUI calibration setting
Font Calibration Range: 1 - 4 How large the info slot text should be relative to the GUI scale setting
Frame Opacity Pct, default: 100% How opaque the frame around the exterior of the minimap should be
Map Opacity Per centum, default: 100% How opaque the map view itself should be
Size Percent, default: thirty% How large the minimap should be, as a per centum of the window size

Full-Screen Map Settings¶

The full-screen map provides a big, scrollable view of your unabridged map. Just like the minimap presets, it can be customized to a great deal.

To switch open up the full-screen map, press the full-screen map key (the J key by default).

Full-screen map settings


A handful of the following options are also bachelor every bit buttons on the full-screen map view itself. For more than data on this, please run into the total-screen map page.


By default, all of the post-obit toggle settings are enabled.

Toggle Description
Show Animals Show or hide animals
Evidence Caves Toggle automatically switching to cave way
Testify Entity Names Show or hide entity names
Evidence Filigree Show or hide the filigree overlay
Testify Keys Show or hibernate the keybind listing
Testify Mob Headings Toggle showing which way mobs are facing
Show Mobs Show or hide mobs
Show Pets Evidence or hide pets
Show Histrion Headings Toggle showing which way other players are facing
Testify Players Testify or hide other players
Evidence Self Show or hide your own location and heading
Show Villagers Show or hibernate villagers
Show Waypoint Labels Testify or hide the names of waypoints
Bear witness Waypoints Show or hide all waypoints
Verbose Location Toggle betwixt a long or short form of your current coordinates

Other Settings¶

The default option for each setting below is marked with bold text.

Setting Options Clarification
  • x, z, y (five)
  • x, y (five), z
  • x, z, y
  • x, y, z
  • x, z
The format of your coordinates, equally shown on the map
Mob Display
  • Minor Dots
  • Large Dots
  • Small Icons
  • Large Icons
How mobs should be displayed on the map
Actor Brandish
  • Small Dots
  • Big Dots
  • Modest Icons
  • Large Icons
How other players should be displayed on the map
UI Theme
  • OceanMonument
  • Purist
  • Stronghold
  • DesertTemple
  • EndCity
  • ForestMansion
  • NetherFortress
Change the theme of the buttons around the fullscreen map - Note: If you have extra themes installed, at that place will be more to toggle through than shown hither
Font Scale Range: one - 4 How large the text should be relative to the GUI scale setting

Webmap Settings¶

The webmap is an entirely different way to view your map - in a web browser instead of from direct within Minecraft. This allows you to accept a map view visible on another screen, or even another device!

Webmap settings

Of import

There are a lot of settings in this category that don't do annihilation at the moment. Instead, the webmap is configured using its ain interface - see the webmap page for more than information on this.

Because of this, only the settings that actually do anything are documented beneath.


By default, none of the following toggle settings are enabled. Yous volition need to enable the webmap before you can use it.

Toggle Description
Enable Web Map Whether the webmap should exist enabled and accessible


While in that location is an input to provide a port for the webmap to apply, it is currently ignored. JourneyMap will attempt to use port 8080 by default - if that isn't available, it'll endeavour to find a port that is.

The correct port is always shown in chat when the webmap is enabled.

Waypoint Settings¶

This category allows you to change some settings relating to how waypoints behave and are displayed. Waypoints besides have a number of individual settings - yous tin observe out almost those on the waypoints page.

Waypoint settings


The bold toggle settings beneath are enabled by default.

Toggle Description
Enable Waypoint Managing director Enable the waypoint manager - yous can disable this if you apply another mod to manage waypoints
Auto Remove Death Waypoints Whether death waypoints should exist removed when you lot approach them
Create Deathpoints Whether death waypoints should exist created when you dice
Display Death Waypoint Label on map overlay Whether to show the name for death waypoints on your minimap and full-screen map

Other Settings¶

The default option for each setting below is marked with bold text.

Setting Options Clarification
Custom Waypoint Teleport Command Text input: /tp {proper noun} {ten} {y} {z}

The teleport control that should be used when you teleport to a waypoint, using the post-obit placeholders:

  • {name}: Your role player proper noun
  • {dim}: The target dimension
  • {x}: The waypoint's 10 coordinate
  • {y}: The waypoint'southward Y coordinate
  • {z}: The waypoint'south Z coordinate

This setting is ignored in single player or if JourneyMap is installed on a server; teleportation happens without a command in that case.

Death Appointment Format
  • MM-dd-yyyy
  • MM-dd-yy
  • dd-MM-yyyy
  • dd-MM-yy
  • yyyy-MM-dd
  • yy-MM-dd

The text format of the date of death, as shown in the death waypoint label

  • dd: Day
  • MM: Month
  • yy: Year (2 digits)
  • yyyy: Year (4 digits)
Expiry Fourth dimension Format
  • HH:mm:ss
  • H:mm:ss
  • HH:mm
  • H:mm
  • hh:mm:ss a
  • h:mm:ss a
  • hh:mm:ss
  • h:mm:ss
  • h:mm a
  • h:mm a
  • hh:mm
  • h:mm

The text format of the time of death, equally shown in the death waypoint label

  • H: Hours (24-60 minutes, without leading 0)
  • HH: Hours (24-hr, with leading 0)
  • h: Hours (12-hour, without leading 0)
  • hh: Hours (12-hour, with leading 0)
  • mm: Minutes
  • ss: Seconds
  • a: Time of day (AM/PM)
Automobile Remove Death Waypoint Distance Range: 2 - 64 (in blocks) How shut you lot need to be to a death waypoint for it to be deleted automatically, if Auto Remove Death Waypoints is enabled
Maximum Distance Range: 0 - ten,000 (in blocks) How far away you need to exist from a waypoint for it to be displayed, including in the earth, on the minimap and the full-screen map

Waypoint Buoy Settings¶

Past default, waypoints are displayed in the world using a beacon beam in the distance, which allows you to see where they are from anywhere in the world. By default, you can look towards the axle and see the waypoint'southward icon and characterization too. This behaviour can exist customized below.

Waypoint beacon settings


The bold toggle settings below are enabled by default.

Toggle Clarification
Enable Waypoint Beacons Toggle whether waypoint beacons are visible
Auto-Hide Label Whether waypoint labels should be hidden until yous look at them
Bold Characterization Whether waypoint labels should exist displayed with bold text
Rotating Beam Whether to prove a rotating outer beam for the waypoint beacon
Show Distance Whether to evidence how far away you are from the waypoint on its characterization
Show Icon Whether to testify the waypoint icon
Show Name Whether to bear witness the waypoint name on its label
Small Icon Whether the waypoint icon should be small
Stationary Beam Whether to show a stationary inner axle for the waypoint beacon

Other Settings¶

The default selection for each setting below is marked with bold text.

Setting Options Clarification
Font Scale Range: 1 - four How large the label text should be relative to the GUI calibration setting
Minimum Distance Range: 0 - 64 (in blocks, default: 4) How far abroad you need to exist from a waypoint for its beacon to be displayed

Cartography Settings¶

The cartography settings allow you to customize precisely how JourneyMap generates the map from world data. Yous can modify how some things look here, and y'all tin also tweak various performance-related options.

Cartography settings

This screen as well displays render statistics - specifically the number of chunks that were rendered during the last return pass, and how long it took. You can use this as a performance metric for when you lot're tweaking these settings.


The assuming toggle settings below are enabled by default.

Toggle Clarification
Always Map Caves Whether to map caves below you lot when y'all're on the surface
Always Map Surface Whether to map the surface above you when you lot're in caves
Blend Foliage Whether to utilise biome colours to foliage
Alloy Grass Whether to apply biome colours to grass
Blend H2o Whether to utilise biome colours to water
Ignore Glass Ceilings Whether to remain in surface mode when nether a glass ceiling
Map Topography Whether to generate a contour map that shows elevation
Testify Bathymetry Whether to show underwater terrain on the map
Evidence Crops Whether to show crops on the map
Evidence Plant Shadows Whether to plants and crops should cast shadows on the map
Prove Plants Whether to show plants on the map
Show Surface To a higher place Caves Whether to show a dimmed view of the surface when in cavern mode
Use Antialiasing Whether to utilise anti-aliasing to better the shading effect used to show elevation
Use Cave Lighting Whether to show lights undergroun - disable for a fully vivid map
Use Transparency Whether transparent blocks should reveal what'due south beneath them on the map

Other Settings¶

The default selection for each setting below is marked with assuming text.

Setting Options Description
Reveal Shape
  • Circle
  • Square
Whether to reveal chunks in a circle or square - circle reveals show fewer chunks at once, and and so perform better
Render Delay Range: 0 - x (in seconds, default: 2) How often JourneyMap should endeavor to return the chunks effectually you - Higher values can result in better performance, but may result in chunks being missed when travelling at loftier speed
Cave Max Distance Range: i - 32 (in chunks, default: 3) The maximum distance inside which to effort to render the map while in a cave - if you lot set this higher than your render distance, then this volition use that instead
Surface Max Distance Range: 1 - 32 (in chunks, default: 7) The maximum distance within which to attempt to render the map while above ground - if you prepare this higher than your return altitude, and then this volition use that instead

Advanced Settings¶

This department contains advanced settings for power users and those that may wish to tweak some of JourneyMap's internals.


The settings in this section cam take extreme furnishings on the functioning of your client. We don't recommend touching these settings unless you take a good understanding of what y'all're doing, or you're directed to do and then by a fellow member of the JourneyMap support staff.

If tweaking these settings crashes your customer or causes your estimator to lag horribly, don't say we didn't warn y'all.

Advanced settings


The assuming toggle settings beneath are enabled by default.

Toggle Description
Denote Mod Whether to announce in chat when JourneyMap is fix to utilize
Check for Mod Updates Whether JourneyMap should check for updates on Curse
Hide Sneaking Entities Whether sneaking/crouching creatures should be hidden
Loftier Display Quality Uncheck to improve zoom performance and retention usage, simply reduce display quality and lower functioning of minimap rotation when set to "My Heading"
Record Cache Statistics This is intended for beta testers - enable to record statistics for each enshroud

Other Settings¶

The default choice for each setting below is marked with bold text.

Setting Options Clarification
Logging Level
  • INFO
  • ALL
  • OFF
  • WARN
Fix how verbose JourneyMap'south logs are, but note that some log levels tin can cause serious performance problems
AutoMap Poll Frequency Range: 500 - 10000 (in ms, default: 2000) Delay between automap region tasks - lower values will make the map generate faster, but will cause significant performance drops while mapping
Browser Poll Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms, default: 2000) This setting isn't currently implemented and may exist removed in a later version of JourneyMap
Cache Animals Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms, default: 3100) How long radar data for animals is buried for - lower values will touch on operation
Cache Mobs Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms, default: 3000) How long radar data for mobs is cached for - lower values will impact functioning
Cache Player Range: 500 - 2000 (in ms, default: m) How long data for your character is cached for - lower values volition impact operation
Cache Players Range: 1000 - 10000 (in ms, default: 2000) How long radar data for other players is buried for - lower values will impact performance
Enshroud Villagers Range: one thousand - 10000 (in ms, default: 2200) How long radar data for villagers is cached for - lower values will bear on performance
Map Tile Render Type Range: 1 - four

Change rendering strategy for map tiles if they appear blurry on your video bill of fare:

  1. Linear & mirrored
  2. Linear & clamped
  3. Nearest & mirrored
  4. Nearest & clamped
Maximum Animals Range: ane - 128 (default: 32) Maximum number of animals displayed on the radar
Maximum Mobs Range: ane - 128 (default: 32) Maximum number of mobs displayed on the radar
Maximum Players Range: i - 128 (default: 32) Maximum number of players displayed on the radar
Maximum Villagers Range: 1 - 128 (default: 32) Maximum number of villagers displayed on the radar
Radar Range Lateral Range: 16 - 512 (in blocks, default: 64) Lateral distance to search for entities to display on the radar - high values volition cause a significant performance hit
Radar Range Vertical Range: 8 - 256 (in blocks, default: 16) Vertical distance to search for entities to display on the radar - high values volition cause a significant operation hit