
Difference Between Monocot And Dicot

Flowering plants are divided into monocots (or monocotyledons) and dicots (or dicotyledons). This comparison examines the morphological differences in the leaves, stems, flowers and fruits of monocots and dicots.

Comparison chart

Dicot versus Monocot comparison chart
Dicot Monocot
Embryo As the proper noun suggests, the dicot embryo has ii cotyledons. Monocotyledons take i cotyledon in the embryo.
Leaf venation Leafage veins are reticulated (branched). Leaf veins are parallel.
Type of leaves Dorsiventral Isobilateral
Stomata in leaves Some dicots are epistomatous i.e., they have stomata only on ane surface on their leaves. Monocots are amphistomatous i.eastward., monocot leaves have stomata on both the upper and lower surface.
Bulliform cells Dicot leaves practice not accept bulliform cells. Many monocots have bulliform cells on their leaves to regulate the loss of h2o.
Flowers Petals in multiples of four or 5. May carry fruit ( if tree). Petals in multiples of three.
Root Pattern Taproot system Fibrous roots
Secondary growth Often present Absent
Stem and vascular arrangement Bundles of vascular tissue arranged in a band. The vascular organisation is divided into a cortex and stele. Bundles of vascular tissue scattered throughout the stem with no detail system, and has no cortex.
Pollen Pollen with 3 furrows or pores. Pollen with a unmarried furrow or pore.
Presence or absence of forest Both herbaceous and woody Herbaceous
# of seed leaves two seed leaves 1 seed leafage
Examples Legumes (pea, beans, lentils, peanuts) daisies, mint, lettuce, tomato and oak are examples of dicots. Grains, (wheat, corn, rice, millet) lilies, daffodils, sugarcane, banana, palm, ginger, onions, bamboo, sugar, cone, palm tree, banana tree, and grass are examples of plants that are monocots.

History of the Classification

The classification of flowering plants or angiosperms into 2 major groups was first published by John Ray in 1682, and later by the botanist Antoine Laurent de Jussieu in 1789, replacing the earlier classifications. Co-ordinate to this classification, flowering plants were divided onto 8 major groups, the largest number of species belonging to monocots and dicots.

Seed Coats around embryo

The number of cotyledons differs in the two types of flowering plants, and forms the basis for the primary classification of monocots and dicots. Cotyledons are the seed leaves of the embryo and contain diet for the embryo until it is able to grow leaves and produce food by the process of photosynthesis. Monocots have only ane cotyledon while dicots have two.

A cross-section of tradescantia (monocot) stalk showing scattered vascular bundles, bundle sheath, sclerenchyma and epidermis.


A cross-department of tradescantia (monocot) stem showing scattered vascular bundles, parcel sheath, sclerenchyma and epidermis.

Dicot vs Monocot Stem

The vascular system in dicots is divided into a cortex and stele but in monocots these distinct regions are absent.

The vascular system is scattered in monocots, with no detail arrangement. Only if you take a wait at the cantankerous section of the stem in dicots y'all will observe the vascular bundles consist of primary bundles forming a cylinder in the eye.

Scattered vascular bundles in monocot stem


Scattered vascular bundles in monocot stem

Vascular bundles arranged in concentric circles in dicot stem


Vascular bundles arranged in concentric circles in dicot stem

Scarlet Star (Guzmania lingulata) is a monocot


Scarlet Star (Guzmania lingulata) is a monocot

Blossom Parts

The number of flower parts is different in the two groups. They occur in multiples of iii in monocots and in multiples of four or five in dicots.

Differences in Monocot and Dicot Leaves

Dicot leaves are dorsiventral i.due east., they have two surfaces (upper and lower surface of the leaf) that differ from each other in appearance and structure. Monocot leaves are isobilateral i.e., both surfaces await the same and are structurally the aforementioned and are both exposed to the sun (commonly vertically oriented).


Leafage veins are arranged either in parallel through the length of the leaf or in a reticulate arrangement throughout the leaf. In near species, monocot leaves accept parallel arrangement while dicots accept reticulate venation of leaves.

Parallel venation in a monocot leaf


Parallel venation in a monocot leaf

Reticulate venation in a dicot leaf


Reticulate venation in a dicot leaf


Stomata are pores found in the epidermis of leaves that facilitate gas exchange, i.e., the procedure by which gases motility passively by diffusion across a surface.

Monocot leaves have stomata on both their surfaces, simply some dicots take stomata on only one surface (usually the lower i) of their leaves. Moreover stomata in monocot leaves are arranged in highly ordered rows, whereas the dicots have more of a crazy-paving of them.

Stomata are bordered by a pair of specialized baby-sit cells that regulate the size of the stomatal opening. Monocots and dicots differ in the blueprint of the guard cells; they are dumbbell-shaped in monocots and look like a pair of sausages in dicots.

Bulliform cells

Bulliform cells help regulate water loss. They are present on the upper surface of the leaves in some monocots. When h2o supply is abundant, bulliform cells become turgid and consequently the leafage straightens upwards, which exposes the leaf and leads to evaporation of excess h2o. Conversely when water is in short supply, bulliform cells shrink and the leaf curls in and becomes less susceptible to water loss through exposure.

Dicots do not have bulliform cells in their leaves.


There is also a different type of pollen construction present in the two classes. Monocots developed from plants with a single pore or furrow in the pollen, whereas dicots developed from plants with three furrows in their pollen structure.


Roots can develop either from a main radicle or arise in clusters from the nodes in the stalk, called adventitious roots. Monocots are known to take adventitious roots whereas dicots have a radicle from which a root develops. A gristly root organization, with several moderately branching roots growing from the stem, is common in monocotyledons. In contrast, dicots accept a taproot system, a tapering root that grows down and has other roots sprouting laterally from information technology.

Fibrous roots are commonly found in monocotyledons while dicots have a taproot system.


Fibrous roots are commonly establish in monocotyledons while dicots have a taproot system.

Secondary growth

Secondary growth is found in dicots simply absent in monocots. Secondary growth helps in the product of forest and bark in trees.

Examples of Monocots and Dicots

At that place are virtually 65,000 species of monocots. Some examples include lilies, daffodils, grains, sugarcane, assistant, palm, ginger, rice, coconut, corn and onions.

There are almost 250,000 species of dicots. Examples include daisies, mint, pea, tamarind, and mango.


There are some exceptions to this classification. Some species belonging to monocots tin can have characters belonging to dicots, since the ii groups have a shared ancestry.


  • Monocots versus Dicots: The Ii Classes of Flowering Plants -
  • Monocots vs. Dicots -
  • Monocots versus Dicots: The Two Classes of Flowering Plants - Botanic Gardens of Ireland (PDF)
  • wikipedia:Monocotyledon
  • wikipedia:Dicotyledon
  • Stomata in Plants

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